Sunday, March 17, 2013

Old Sketches

In keeping with my original objective of posting some of my old work and while I'm on the subject of portraits, here are a couple of old sketches I did many years ago while I was in my early twenties. One is a sketch of Richard Burton (obviously I copied a photo) and another was of an acquaintance (old boy friend whose name I can't remember). While I was at Point Park, I used to sketch classmates before the class started, usually in profile because that was easier. One of the professors wanted me to do his portrait (I think it was a Dr. Buncher), but I had a lot of trouble getting a likeness. There were several of my classmates watching while I drew. At one point, I mentioned that I was having trouble getting his chin right and one of my classmates said,"No wonder, that's because he has two." So there may be quite a few of my portrait sketches out there if people kept them and the paper didn't disintegrate. 


  1. Excellent, Melanie! That's definitely him! Love the purposeful but delicate way you've captured his features. I can still hear his unique, resounding voice in my memories of him. What a gifted actor!

  2. Thank you Carol. I wish I could do as well now. I have to get a ruler out and compare my proportions these days. I used to just start somewhere and draw and it all worked out somehow. Must be old age.
