Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ken & Mel at the Beach

Here's another watercolor pencil "painting." I had planned to have this done for my daughter-in-law's birthday last week, but didn't make it. I had to combine two photos to create the composition I wanted. The perspective was slightly different in the second photo so I didn't make it as high as I wanted (less perspective to deal with). I almost gave up because of the architectural details. I've painted houses, but I guess I just wasn't in the mood for a hotel. It didn't come out quite the way I expected. I also used a different set of watercolor pencils than I used for Carnegie Festival and didn' t have enough colors to choose from. Also, this would have been a good project for Photoshop, but I don't have it installed on my newer computer yet. I tried Gimp (it's a free program sort of like Photoshop) with limited success.. I think I'm going to paint beach scenes next.

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